My son and daughter-in-law built a very cool bar in one of the rooms of their house. They decided to name it Kaity’s Corner. I ask them if I could design a logo for them to use on coasters and such and they were happy to let me.
I ask them the same questions I always ask when I’m working on a brand and the general vibe they were going for was a retro, hip, almost art deco feel. They liked pink and green and wanted their cat (named Kitty) to be featured. They also have a favorite type of bar glass called a Nick and Nora (after the main characters from the 1934 movie “The Thin Man”, where Nick and Nora Charles are often seen sipping martinis from the glassware that now bears their names.)
After some initial sketches I quickly came up with the general idea and composition. I was working within a round space to facilitate making a coaster as the primary way their logo would be used.

Once they decided they liked the idea I worked through the various adjustments and additions to reach the final logo: