Bad Mojo

Well, not bad in the “not good” sense, but bad in the “I’m gonna kick your keester” sense.

Mojo would like an arcade machine too. We may or may not ever get around to actually building it, but we did have some fun talking about it and I went ahead and did the design work for the cab.

I based the machine off an old Taito cab which has fantastic old school lines. Sticking with the Mojo theme I settled on ninja stuff and even went so far as to make him joy stick handles that look like Katana sword handles. The option to make the right side red (player two) and the left side black (player one) could go either way. I think is we do ever build this I would want to render the art with textures and layers to make it look like the art from an old Kung Fu movie.


bm Marquee 2
