
T3 Sweater
T3 Sweater

I thought it would be cool to have my logo knit into a sweater. I may win an ugly sweater contest with it, but it would be mine. So I started looking for someone to custom knit a sweater. Basically I found companies that would custom knit for color or fit, and then individuals that were making very expensive wearable art. Kind of discouraging…until I foundĀ SWEATERRARIUM. Sweaterrarium is in Kazan Russia. They are a small shop and they can program knitting machines like the ones used to make store bought sweaters with designs. They are willing to make you one sweater or many, and their prices are reasonable.

So I started a conversation with Denis (May the knitforce be with you!) in Kazan about knitting me a T3 Sweater. I am still working on getting the actual sweater knitted and here, but the design is done. I decided to make the T3 logo 3D in the style of pixel art because the nature of knitting creates a very pixelated image. I think the whole thing has a very retro feel. I had the choice of a machine that creates 200 stitches per inch or one that make 100 stitches per inch. I am going with the 100×100 because I actually like the low res pixel look.

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